vendredi 19 février 2010

Global warming

It's not that I believe or don't believe that global warming is man-caused or isn't. I rather don't care about the origin of a possible climate change. Mostly, 1 seriously doubt there is a climate change at all. And if there were one (it's getting warmer) l'd very much welcome it.

The northern hemisphere is dead freezing half of the year and if we could get an additional 3°C on average it would be quite positive for Europeans (and Americans as well). Drought and air pollution are more of a concern than temperature. This collective frenzy about the climate has been part of the ritualistic exorcism sessions of Europeans since at least the Middle Ages (les grandes peurs de l'an mille).

For the French, do you remember the "S.O.S. Météores" album with Blacke and Mortimer back in 1959? 1 guess there was the same sort of publications in the US at one time or another.

What irritates me is the fear campaign the world media is leading upon our minds. "Be scare, be very scare" is their motto. What irritates me even further is to hear and see people not having the faintest clue of what they're talking about acting like robots telling me again and again the same line: We're gonna face a catastrophe, we're nearing the end of the world, repent sinners, repent...

At the end of the day, it's the same old process that is working here: scaring people out of their mind in order to have then behave and think in a prearranged fashion.

During the Middle Ages c'était pour maîtriser les incontrôlables masses au profit des pouvoirs religieux. A présent c'est le quatrième pouvoir (les media) qui s'exerce à se représenter sa propre puissance en constatant que son empire est à présent mondial et sans limite puisque même les politiques sont lobotomisés à son service.

Les instruments de cette manipulation mondiale: Comme au Moyen-Âge, c'est la peur qui est le levier principal, c'est universel. Mais aux représentations religieuses d'il y a mille ans se sont substituées les déesses contemporaines: rationalité et scientificité. Qui oserait leur tenir tête?

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