mardi 23 mars 2010

Yes he could!

Les débats sur la modification et l'élargissement du système de couverture santé américain ont été largement et régulièrement couverts par les médias européens.

Ce qui peut finalement paraître assez étonnant si l'on considère que cela n'affecte en rien les Européens ni le reste du monde. Seuls les Américains sont concernés.

Et pourtant on perçoit nettement à travers les reportages télévisés ou les articles de la presse combien les Européens - via leurs médias - sont tout à la fois intéressés et favorables à cette extension de la couverture sociale en faveur des plus démunis des Américains. 

S'agit-il d'un réflexe spécifiquement européen de solidarité avec les plus pauvres ou les défavorisés? Il est vrai que tous les pays industrialisés, d'une façon ou d'une autre, ont depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale de tels systèmes qui profitent à tous et à chacun.

Cela fait depuis longtemps partie de la mentalité collective du vieux monde et l'on s'étonne que les États-Unis, qui ont longtemps représenté la modernité, soient à ce point en retard par rapport aux systèmes qui rendent la vie moins difficile à des centaines de millions de personnes de par le monde.

Pour ceux qui s'intéresse d'un peu près à la société américaine et à son histoire, on "comprend"  (sans les admettre) les arguments des opposants à cette réforme majeure voulue et réalisée par Obama. "Less government will always be better for Americans", "we don't want to be imposed a system we don't want", "we're free", "this country has been shaped by individuals", "It will cost us loads of billions dollars", "each one is responsible for his/her fate"  etc.

Mais il nous paraît à nous Européens plus difficile de comprendre que même les gens qui seraient le plus à même d'en bénéficier y soient opposés. Looks like those people have been so thoroughly brainwashed by drug companies and their political cronies that they've become blind and enemies of their own interests.

We sure don't have a say in matters of domestic policies of a foreign country and yet the fierceness Obama has encountered all along the process ending up with the vote of this health care bill doesn't fail to astound us.

The picture I chose is one of the less offensive among those one can find on the net! Have a look at this one for exemple!

Une autre explication possible à la sympathie "naturelle" des Européens pour cette réforme de la couverture sociale américaine tient aussi beaucoup à la personne du président américain qui jouit d'une très bonne image en Europe, même s'il y a toujours des opposants systématiques. It seems that all  European country whish it could have the honour to have Barrack Obama as their president while thinking many Americans don't deserve him.

This holds particularly true for the French since Sarkozy received the slap of his political life the very same day B. Obama achieved something historical in the history of the USA. Obama succeeded where F.Roosevelt, J. Kennedy, R. Nixon and B. Clinton failed. Talk of a historical landmark!

It's no secret that Sarkozy is incensed with rage and jealousy regarding Obama. That may also explain why the French have such esteem for the American president and such disdain for their own. When we suffer a vulgar, gross ignoramus, Americans have the privilege to have an educated, charismatic, elegant, posed and articulated POTUS. They lucky ones...

Nul n'est prophète en son pays décidément. Le souvenir de Gorbatchev est détesté par nombre de Russes car il est à l'origine de l'effondrement de "l'empire" soviétique alors qu'il est considéré en occident comme un personnage de stature historique. Il en ira probablement de même pour Barrack Obama que la moitié des Américains considèrent comme un traître à l'Amérique alors qu'il est perçu  dans le monde entier comme une figure majeure de l'histoire des États-Unis. 

Les Républicains n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot pourtant.

All in all, this process of extending the health security net in America with all the furor and hatred it ignited is another indicator of how different from Europe the American society is.

9 commentaires:

Flocon a dit…

Now, the pressure you put upon me Anijo!!!

I slept only 5 hours last night...

Anonyme a dit…


I am awake quite early this morning and decided to take a peek and see if you had posted anything yet, and I was not disappointed. I've been enjoying listening to the music and reading your post, which is every bit as informative and enjoyable to read as I thought it would be.

As concerns the health care debate here, I can only imagine how strange this must all seem to Europeans. And as you mentioned, it is most unusual that many opponents of Obama's health care legislation are those who would benefit the most from it.

What impresses me about Europeans is this notion how they have such an intrinsic solidarity with the poor and needy that the concern even extends across the pond to the health care debate in the U.S. to such an extent that Europeans have been very closely following the debate and hoping that health care will be extended to all of the uninsured Americans.

It's true that the idea of less government, the libertarian ideal, affects the thought processes of most Americans. However, don't mess with their Social Security or Medicare. At some time in the future the new health care legislation will seem every bit as natural as Social Security and Medicare. Although, if Republicans had their way, they would repeal both.

You say that the concern might also have to do with the respect that Obama has overseas and that you are shocked by the vehemence with which his opponents attack him. It is quite a spectacle, yes it is. I can hardly bear to listen to the vituperative utterings, to look at the ugly images. Mostly I attempt to ignore them. If their behavior has this kind of affect on me, I can only imagine how Europeans must feel as they are not so accustomed to such behavior.

I look forward now to reading the article in Le Monde that you linked to. It must be puzzling to the French that some states are wanting to block their access to better healthcare..

Of course there are a fair number of Americans who feel that the health care legislation did not go far enough and that Obama caved in too much to the 'Conservatives'. I for one, wish that the 'public option' had not been removed, however, I don't believe that they would have had enough congressional votes to pass the bill had the public option remained in the bill.

P.S. I like your new pic of yourself. You're quite handsome and I like the look on your face. The area below resembles the grounds near the Jeu de Paume.

ZapPow a dit…

Fierceness ? What I've seen was downright insanity. And it will go on.

One thing that goes in favor of the Republicans is the incredible ignorance of most Americans vis à vis Europe and our healthcare systems. A lot of Americans have been easily convinced, having been breath-fed with the notion that the USA are the bestest and unique (well, unique, they are), that they have the best system, and that in Europe it is only socialized systems that, therefore, suck (only UK has a socialized system, in fact). And they are totally impermeable to any demonstration that they're wrong, because they cannot be wrong, the US cannot be worse than other countries, if it was the world would be upside down.

Flocon a dit…


The area below resembles the grounds near the Jeu de Paume.

Resembles yes because of the sand but this picture was taken last May in La Rochelle, a town set on the shores of the Atlantic ocean.

Should have I set sails I would have landed in America... Yet a bit far from New Mexico, the land of attractive, seducing female painters ;-)

Now, how do you manage to get a pic with your comments? I'll try to find on the Blogger help pages.

Flocon a dit…


I globally agree with what you say about "the incredible ignorance of most Americans vis à vis Europe and our healthcare systems".

Yet, I'd like to know how much "most Americans" mean.

30%? 50%? 80%?

Aren't people living in large urban areas like L.A, Detroit, New York etc. somehow better informed than those living in the Bible belt (not to mention Texas)?

I'm too prone to overgeneralisations myself so I try to be careful about them.

Flocon a dit…

How inspiring a pic may be!

A woman in the desert made me think of The Searchers by John Ford which may seem bizarre to you until you know the French title of this movie is "La prisonnière du désert".

Your cheeckbones and chin unmistakenly remind of your Indian origin like does your silent, restrained and inviting smile.

I can very well imagine you in a movie playing the part of an Indian gal running away from white male lustful predators.

Sexyness may as well be found inside as outside, by the way which is your case indeed.

This pic recalls me also of the Portrait of a young woman as an artist by J. Joyce in an artful environment.

There's a keyboard behind you, a painting of yours hanging on the wall above said keaboard and a reproduction of Caillebotte's painting on the table.

Regarding this painting, I haven't done the research but it looks like it was made from la rue de Rome in front of the Gare St. Lazare.

The picture seems to have been shot in winter since the window's close (we're supposed to be in New Mexico) and the plant has been sheltered inside.

Anyway, I kind of remember you already posted a picture of you sometimes ago, probably on your own blog.

"this is me on photobucket, which i will leave there for awhile"

Do according to your whishes but why deprive the visitors of Shall we Talk of the sight of a peaceful and desirable woman?

Now, I have to think and work on my next posts...

Kittens are in the offing

Anonyme a dit…

Dear Flocon,
I have deleted my comment and then read your lovely and flattering response. However, I am too shy to leave my picture there for all to see.

You are quite observant as the picture was taken this past December.

ZapPow a dit…

Frankly, I have no idea how many would that "most" mean. Let's say I have pulled that off some neither region, which doesn't mean I'm wrong. My opinion is based only on my impressions after many discussions on the subject, where I have observed that ignorance even among those in favor of some european system.

Flocon a dit…


"My opinion is based only on my impressions after many discussions on the subject"

Je n'ai plus l'occasion d'avoir de nombreuses rencontres avec des Américains comme ce fut le cas il y a 25 ans hélas mais c'est également à partir d'"impressions" que je pense et rédige mes billets.

Les médias Américain que je parcours et mes préjugés font le reste. Tu vois la rigueur scientifique du blog...

Mes impressions peuvent me laisser aller assez loin dans l'à peu près et l'approximation voire carrément dans le n'importe quoi.

Cela m'a valu quelques déboires chez SF où je m'engageais souvent sans biscuits dans des échanges de plus en plus incontrôlés évidemment avec nos amis américains qui savaient mieux que moi tout de même de quoi ils parlaient.

J'essaye en tout cas d'être moins assertif que je ne l'ai souvent été, il faudrait faire des recherches au-niveau des stats par exemple ou des rapports étayés sur le terrain.

Alors je m'en remets pour l'essentiel à WIKI avec le risque que chacun connaît.

Sinon je finis par rapporter ce qu'a dit l'homme qui a vu l'ours qui lui même connaît la sœur de l'oncle qui a travaillé avec untel qui sait de source sûre etc.

Au fond c'est la B A-BA du journalisme de vérifier ses infos avant de les rapporter. Et je ne suis pas journaliste donc...