vendredi 6 novembre 2009

Life as a continuous succession of horrors

I had seen these pictures some years ago. Didn't know what it was all about. Now I know...

And what about Ziggy?

And yes, I'm a bit of a nihilistic...

8 commentaires:

ZapPow a dit…

Isn't civilization beautiful ?

Anonyme a dit…

It's this soft cuddly side of you that wasn't aware of before ;)

Flocon a dit…


I once saw an interview of Jean Giono (probably during the 60s) where he wondered why physical pain could exist to such an extent.

He recognized the need for pain as an indicator of what's going wrong with any part of our body, but why oh why could it reach such agonizing levels of intensity.

And it came to my mind some years ago that what could be a revolutionary step forward in our suffering condition of living beings would be a genetic modificatioon of our DNA, cells or whatever so that physical pain we have to do with would be for ever dramatically diminished.

For the human race as well as for animals.

I also had the idea that should we live within 10 seconds the mental pains we all have to go throughout our lives, everybody (well, next to) would become definitively insane for it would be too much pain at the same time.

Flocon a dit…


Hope you're fine.

I had to resort to my dictionary in order to understand the word : cuddly.

I didn't suspect that my bearish (and sometimes flarish) temperament would suggest cuddliness could be deemed suitable to me...

But women know better ;-)

Flocon a dit…

While doing some research for this post I thought I'd write one with Spencer Tracy in the leading role...
(well, sort of)

Maybe tomorrow.

Flocon a dit…

Anijo, I forgot to add.

If I have an obsession it's actually pain, whether mental or physical. Hence the title of this post.

ZapPow a dit…

And it came to my mind some years ago that what could be a revolutionary step forward in our suffering condition of living beings would be a genetic modificatioon of our DNA, cells or whatever so that physical pain we have to do with would be for ever dramatically diminished.

For the human race as well as for animals.

Flocon, my friend, have you no mercy for the sadists ? ;°)

Flocon a dit…


He he,

If I were a sadist I'd tell you I'd prevent my sadist comrads to get what they want.

Since I'm no more of a sadist than the guy next door, I'd advise them to find another comrad of a kind (a masochist then) and do as for the H1N1 virus : If you don't want to get the injection, it's up to you.

Generally speaking, masochists are very much less so when they go to the dentist.