samedi 1 janvier 2011


Avant toute chose je veux vous remercier de faire vivre Shall We talk puisqu'un blog ne vit vraiment que des visites et des commentaires qu'y laissent ses hôtes.

Un grand merci donc à Anijo, Ned, merbel pour la régularité et la pertinence de leurs interventions qui permettent toujours d'étendre les échanges au-delà de ce que les billets proposent.

Un merci tout spécial à ZapPow dont la fidélité jamais prise en défaut force le respect. Je n'oublie pas anonyme mélomane bien sûr ni Semperfidelis.

So to say I'm currently having the time of my life running that blog which works as a tremendous intellectual accelerator thanks to your fidelity and participation. For all of this I'm very much in debt to you all.

Now we're stepping out of the year 2010 and entering 2011 and there's certainly nothing particularly original from me to wish you the best for this New Year, specifically regarding your health which at the end of the day is the main concern of our lives.

I thank you again for all that you bring me and wish you whatever you desire at every moment of your life starting from now on.

Thanks Anijo, thanks Ned, merci merbel et merci ZapPow, bonne année donc à tous et que la force soit avec vous.

24 commentaires:

Flocon a dit…

La Suite pastorale de Chabrier n'a rien à voir avec la nouvelle année mais j'aime bien...

En fait je voulais enregistrer le texte du billet (*), ce que j'ai d'ailleurs fait mais cela donnait 3:40... Un peu long tout de même.

J'ai raccourci à 1:15 mais le son est devenu inaudible et je n'ai pas été capable de retrouver la qualité du premier enregistrement.

Pour les techniciens, un enregistrement magnétophone sur Windows sort en WMA qu'il faut convertir en MP3 pour obtenir un code htlm lisible sur le blog.

J'essairai une autre fois.

(*) Yeah, I know, my ego and all that stuff... And why should my ego be deprived of the right to freely frolic in the wild may I ask?

Anonyme a dit…

I was attempting to explain this little blog to some friends yesterday. Neither of them even own a computer, so this was all new to them. It's as though I have two groups of friends that I gather with; one face to face in New Mexico, and one virtually on the internet. Seems so magical.

Oh, Flocon, I would have loved to hear your voice speaking in both French and English. I do hope that you try another time!

A happy New Year to you Flocon. May it bring you what your heart most desires.

And a happy New Year to Merbel, Ned, ZapPow, SemperFi and mélomane.

Flocon a dit…

Merci Anijo ♥

Girls here is something that might be of some interest to you (or maybe not?).

Il y a une video but some may be disappointed alas...

ZapPow a dit…

Happy New Year everybody ! Best wishes !

Though, now that I can pretend to some experience, given my age, I would say that things being what they are, and we being what we are, thing will go on being what they are, and we hat we are.

Strong philosophy, don't you think ? Not really optimistic, nor pessimistic.

Anonyme a dit…


That anyone could be offended by a snow penis is ridiculous, but also kind of funny. Note that they said that the police officer who first arrived just laughed!

Salut ZapPow
Such an uplifing new year's message! ☺ May you continue to be what you are!

Anonyme a dit…

Only four hours left of AIROS.

On December 31, 2010, at noon CST, the AIROS 24/7 live webstream will sign-off

2011 will be different without them..

Ned Ludd a dit…

Thanks to everyone. I have learned quite a few new things, and I have been nudged to rethinking or questioning my certainties, which is hard because I am so often right. ;)

For the New Year, here is the forerunner of what has become rap.

The Last Poets who were doing it in the seventies before it had a name. They quite dislike the violent turn it has taken.

A risky proposition on my part is that this could be related to French music in the 20's and 30's known as "la chanson parlée".

merbel a dit…

Un grand merci à vous Flocon. Je souhaite à SWT de beaux jours pour l'année à venir et à son rédacteur tout ce qu'il peut espérer!

A toutes les commentatrices et commentateurs de ce blog si vivant, je vous offre CECI;

Flocon a dit…

Je viens de passer plus de 3 heures à réinitialiser la tour et le lecteur de CD/DVD ne les reconnaît toujours pas! Je suis désespéré!!!

2011 sera une année exceptionnelle puisqu'elle verra Ned maîtriser la technique des blue links de telle sorte qu'il ne sera plus nécessaire de faire un cut and paste to reach her always inexpected sites. Hourray!

Vas-y Ned, on est tous derrière toi!!!

Flocon a dit…

Pour information il y a eu 186 billets publiés cette année dont 15 "rediffusions".

Cela fait donc un billet tous les deux jours, rythme assez soutenu tout de même...

Je n'essaierai pas de faire mieux en 2011 les habitués ne pourraient plus suivre... Ni moi non plus d'ailleurs.

Janvier est déjà sous presse. Enfin presque, les idées sont là il ne reste qu'à les mettre en forme...

Flocon a dit…


"Though, now that I can pretend to some experience, given my age, I would say that things being what they are, and we being what we are, thing will go on being what they are, and we hat we are."

En d'autres termes : Quand je vois ce que je vois et que je sais ce que je sais, j'ai bien raison de penser ce que je pense! :-D

Ça tombe bien, I am agree with you! 

Anonyme a dit…

Je dédie cette chanson à ZapPow

If that's all there is, then let's keep dancin'...

Anonyme a dit…

Et puis je dédie cette chanson to the last broadcast of Airos, Native American broadcast internet music and to the Shall We Talk community.

Here where you are standing
The dinosaurs did a dance
The indians told a story
Now it has come to pass

The Indians had a legend
The Spaniards lived for gold
The white man came and killed them
But they haven't really gone

We live in the city of dreams
We drive on this highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this, our favorite town

From Germany and Europe
And Southern U.S.A.
They made this little town here
That we live in to this day

The children of the white man
Saw Indians on TV
And heard about the legend
How their city was a dream

We live in the city of dreams
We drive on this highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this, our favorite town

The Civil War is over
And World War One and Two
If we can live together
The dream it might come true

Underneath the concrete
The dream is still alive
A hundred million lifetimes
A world that never dies

We live in the city of dreams
We drive on this highway of fire
Should we awake
And find it gone
Remember this, our favorite town

Anonyme a dit…

Merci Merbel,

Ben oui, nous allons cultiver des fleurs, ici, chez SWT, comme ça, pour le plaisir. Et non, heursement, ça ne se vend pas.

Bon, la nouvelle année sera complète si j'entends Flocon parler anglais avec son accent français. ☺

Anonyme a dit…

Merbel !
Je viens de remarquer que "En Pente Douce" a Shall We Talk comme seule blog dans la liste des blogs.

C'est toi peut-être?

Anonyme a dit…

oof! C'est bien toi merbel! Je vois des commentaires de Flocon et ZapPow. What a new year's gift to see you and your brand new blog....

what a night..

And now to get into my reading French mode after so many beers..

Flocon a dit…


The two songs you chose are very appropriate to ZapPow's comment and the Airos issue.

Zappow's comment looks like
Since A = B and B = C then D = A since B = C ;-)

Your comments are the first ones for for 2011! Merci...

J'ai enregistré de nouveau un petit texte mais comme j'ai la voix déjà assez grave, quand on écoute l'enregistrement on dirait que je parle dans une caverne (without the reverberation though).

I have to work on it avec un logiciel son..

Anonyme a dit…

Bonne Année Flocon,

Contente que t'avais compris la signification des chansons vis-a-vis ZapPow et airos.

A deep voice with a French accent. Oh my, I can't wait to hear you!

A black cat just walked by in front of the house. I could see him through the french doors and he reminded me of you.

Flocon a dit…


You know cats have supernatural powers, particularly black cats. As you know Flocon was a black cat with extra super natural powers.

No wonder then that it wandered through the garden of the little American with paranormal skills.

It realised a direct link between you and me.

Anonyme a dit…

☻ ☻

ZapPow a dit…

@ Anijo

I didn't know that song. What a great song ! What a good choice !

Thanks, and let's keep dancing.

Anonyme a dit…


☻ ☻ ♪ ♫

Flocon a dit…

I had to look up the lyrics of Peggy Lee's song. They are food for thought indeed.

I was curious to learn something about this song so I went and asked my friend and that's what he told me.

Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller is an incredibly talented duet.

No doubt about it: Anijo is the D.J of any given year ♪ ♫ ♪

Anonyme a dit…

was curious to learn something about this song so I went and asked my friend and that's what he told me.

I was asking myself, "what friend is this?". Flocon, your friend mentions that this is an existentialist song.