samedi 30 octobre 2010

Je l'invente ça?

Bon, Arno Klarsfeld vient d'être nommé conseiller d'État au Conseil d'État, rien que ça, par décision de son pote Sarko. Effectivement la notice Wiki de Klarsfeld indique combien les deux bling-bling sont proches l'un de l'autre. Ce qui nous fait un sioniste ayant fait son service militaire dans l'armée israélienne siégeant à présent dans une des institutions majeures de la République.

A quand les frères Bogdanov ministres de la recherche?

Tenez, avez-vous déjà lu ce texte?

"Je considère que tout Juif dans la diaspora, et donc c'est vrai en France, doit partout où il le peut apporter son aide à Israël. C'est pour ça d'ailleurs qu'il est important que les Juifs prennent des responsabilités politiques. Tout le monde ne pense pas la même chose dans la Communauté juive, mais je crois que c'est nécessaire. Car, on ne peut pas à la fois se plaindre qu'un pays comme la France, par exemple, ait dans le passé et peut-être encore aujourd'hui, une politique par trop pro-arabe et ne pas essayer de l'infléchir par des individus qui pensent différemment en leur permettant de prendre le plus grand nombre de responsabilités. En somme, dans mes fonctions et dans ma vie de tous les jours, au travers de l'ensemble de mes actions, j'essaie de faire en sorte que ma modeste pierre soit apportée à la construction de la terre d'Israël."

Auteur? Dominique Strauss-Kahn dans le n° 35 de la revue Passages février/mars 1991.

Sarko n'a jamais dissimulé son tropisme pro israélien, son activisme contre l'Iran en témoigne. On est loin de la politique pro arabe du Général... Mais Strauss-Kahn joue franchement cartes sur table, il l'écrit noir sur blanc : 
J'essaie de faire en sorte que ma modeste pierre soit apportée à la construction de la terre d'Israël.
C'est le possible, voire probable président de la République française qui s'exprimait il y a 20 ans. 

"Démocratiquement", le peuple français élira à la magistrature suprême comme on dit un sioniste dont la politique étrangère est définie depuis toujours : Tous et tout pour Israël!

Ce n'est pas la France qui fera avancer d'un pouce une possible résolution de la question israèo/palestinienne dont les sionistes ont de toute façon l'intangible réponse depuis la création de l'État d'Israël : Le grand Israël!

Certaines mauvaises langues (antisémites bien sûr) osent avancer que peut-être, on ne sait pas, il y aurait un lobby Juif qui ferait de l'entrisme dans les gouvernements des pays européens ou américains. 

Mais ça se saurait une chose pareille, moi je n'y crois pas. Une communauté religieuse de 500.00 individus tirant les ficelles de la politique étrangère française vous y croyez vous? Encore que quand je vois cette photo...

Je ne peux pas imaginer un seul des anciens Présidents de la République française dans cette situation.

Je l'invente tout ça?

13 commentaires:

Ned Ludd a dit…

Jeez, don't me started on the Klarsfelds. A few days ago I saw his racist father on tv and he justified the colonization of the West Bank.

For a reminder, the state of Israel was created by the war crimes and the crimes against humanity of the zionists. Their crimes continue today.

The only reason Israel still exists is that the U.S. gives its 6 million people 3 billion dollars a year in military aid and at least as much in economic aid.

This is at a time when Republicans and some Democrats say that the U.S. doesn't have enough money to take care of its own people.

I will stop there to not get into a real rant.

Flocon a dit…

I knew this post would make you reach your boiling point Ned...

I remember you had an exchange with Française de cœur (?) on SF's some years ago about the necessary conditions to get the French nationality. For what I remember you were quite self assured/assertive/positive (tu étais sûre de ce que tu disais) about this topic.

I guess you possess double nationality don't you and if so you can take part to French elections.

(If you don't like the question just forget it)

I answered your suggestion about how to make one music file out of several ones but for some reason my answer didn't appear on the comments list.

The same happened to SemperFidelis who anwered you on the Very Scared thread this morning.

Ned Ludd a dit…

Flocon, I don't have anything against double or more nationalities. Nor do I have anything against someone who served in the army of their country of origin getting French or another nationality.

The problem with Arno is that instead of choosing to serve in his native country, he went to another country to join the military, and one that is not the most friendly to French(or American) interests.

I didn't serve in any military, and in fact I do have French nationality and for more than ten years, so I guess Sarkozy's law can't expel me.

Americans can join a foreign army, but today they would probably be treated as "enemy combatants". That has already happened to at least two in celebrated cases--I don't remember their names at the moment, but at least one was convicted of something and I don't remember if the other case has been decided.

Americans served the military of foreign countries in both World Wars before the U.S. officially entered them. Thousands of Americans also fought for the Spanish Republic in the Lincoln Brigade and were treated badly by the government when they returned.

They were right too early. Woody Guthrie wrote at least one song about it, "Jarama Valley". One of the most interesting stories is that of the only black nurse there, Salaria Kea. "Americans in the Spanish Civil War".

What upsets me is the hypocrisy of Serge and Arno Klarsfeld

BTW, your link at "Scared" doesn't work.

Flocon a dit…


Je ne vois pas de problème non plus avec la double nationalité mais que se passe-t-il quand un jour il faut choisir?

Quel serait le choix justement de Klarsfeld s'il devait y avoir une très grande tension franco-israélienne voire pire? A vrai dire je connais la réponse. On appelle ça des traitres.

"Nul ne peut servir deux maîtres à la fois" (Matthieu, 6, 24).

Qu'on effectue ses obligations militaires au Sénégal puis qu'on acquiert la nationalité française (ou autre d'ailleurs) c'est une chose mais qu'on soit Français (ou autre) d'origine et qu'on fasse son service en Russie, Israël, Argentine ou Chine il y a problème à mon sens. You can't have your cake and eat it.


J'ai de vagues souvenirs de l'engagement d'Américains en France durant la première guerre mondiale et des Flying Tigers de Claire Lee Chenault en Chine.

I'll have a look at Wiki on that topic and also on the Lincoln Brigade.

Jarama Valley

This one too will have me to look on Wiki.


Que Klarsfeld père soit habité de l'obsession antisémite on peut le comprendre encore que tous les Juifs ne sont pas mentalement fixés aux années de l'Occupation.

Il y a 1 mois or so il a exhumé un document signé semble-t-il de la main de Pétain et nombres d'historiens ont fait remarquer que cela n'apportait strictement rien de rien à ce que l'on savait déjà.

D'où venait le document? Pas très clair. Peu importe d'ailleurs, il me paraît qu'il y a chez Klarsfeld père une jouissance/délectation de la dénonciation que je trouve de plus en plus tale telling. Mais peut-être est-ce là l'effet de mon tropisme freudien.

Le devoir de mémoire à bon dos passé un certain seuil dans l'obstination.


Thanks for the indication of the disabled Iran and the bomb link. Here it is again.


Merci pour ta réponse relative aux fusion de fichiers musicaux. Cela m'a incité à faire les recherches as was advised: J'ai téléchargé le logiciel adéquat et j'ai appris à m'en servir.

It works but it takes at least 2 hours between the moment I start downloading the first mvt of any concerto and the moment I put the entire concerto on the music bar.

Je ne ferai pas ça tous les jours... Ce logiciel est un peu le Photoshop des fichiers musicaux. It offers hundreds of options.

Flocon a dit…

Also, I don't want to bother you any longer with this but I posted a picture (it was to be seen a few hours only) on how to make blue links. Did you see it?

(Si tu ne veux plus entendre parler des liens bleus forget the question altogether)

Ned Ludd a dit…

Flocon, I'll get to the blue links sooner or later. But this subject has raised a question for me.

I know that in France and other occupied countries people, voluntarily or involuntarily, fought with the Nazis, but I haven't read anything about Americans who may have done so.

That must have happened because there was a pro-Nazi organization that even paraded in New York and other cities in the U.S. There was a Catholic priest named Father Coughlin who had regular radio broadcasts in favor of Hitler. These were widely listened to.

Arthur Miller has talked about him saying that as you walked down the street in Brooklyn, you could hear his voice coming from most houses.

These things must have influenced some Americans to go and join the Wehrmacht, but I don't know.

Today, there are probably Americans who have joined Israel's IDF. Some may even come back and join the U.S. army. If there come to be conflicting opinions between the U.S. and Israel, where would their loyalty lie?

Flocon a dit…

I defer to you re the issue of American "collaborationists" since you're much more acknowledgable than me on the matter.

The only name that comes to my mind is that of Tokyo Rose.

I didn't know about this Charles Coughlin guy. The English Wiki entry is quite informative about him.

A great number of Isaeli settlers come from the US. I guess they possess double citizenship and, yes, the question is valid:

On which side would they finally stand if America were to eventually come to her sense again?

Communities' identity don't pertain to any nationality but to the core of what they consider their ultimate raison d'être.

When some people see themselves as members of the choosen people for the past 2.500 years, I think nationality if of little importance.

Ned Ludd a dit…

The problem is more than just hypothetical. A real scenario has already happened. During the 1967 war, Israel planes and boats attacked the American military ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing dozens of American sailors but not sinking it. The Liberty was an unarmed radar and listening post in international waters

Much has been written of this: books, articles, websites. Israel maintains that it was mistaken identity, but veterans of the attack say that that is impossible, that the ship was readily identifiable. I won't go into the details which are easy to find.

Now, what if any American citizens participated in the attack--not an impossibility? If identified, it would probably not be wise for them to go back to the U.S. In such a situation against a French military unit, what would Arno do if ordered to attack?

As an aside, why in hell did the Navy leave this ship alone near a war zone? I would think that at least a Destroyer or two to accompany it would have sensible.

Flocon a dit…

Although I know it is not related, the fate of the USS Liberty reminds me of the MS.St.Louis odyssey.

Sort of a tit for a tat.

"As an aside, why in hell did the Navy leave this ship alone near a war zone?"

If blunders were made it obviously was the responsibility of each side it seems.

Didn't the Israelis test how far they could go to test the Amerian reliance?

It aso reminds me of a fake attack of Israeli jets on a French position in Lebanon 5 years ago or so when Alliot- Marie was ministre de la défense.

She later said (or let say) that it was a close shave that the French didn't shoot one of these planes.

At least the Israelis have tested the French patience and they now know they can go as far as faking an attack on an allied army.

Klarsfeld could have been a pilot on one of these jets and as a Zionist (not as a Jew) he would have obeyed the order to strike.

Ned Ludd a dit…

Flocon, not exactly related, but I have been watching on youtube a documentary on the war on the Eastern Front: "The Unknown War". It is in very many episodes. In "War in the Air" part 4 of 5 it talks about French pilots who fought with the Soviets in the Normandy Squadron, many of whom were decorated for their efforts. I'm surprised that I didn't know about this.

BTW, I don't really understand what you mean here, "Didn't the Israelis test how far they could go to test the Amerian reliance?" in your last post. "Reliance" doesn't seem to be the right word.

Flocon a dit…


L'escadrille Normandie-Niemem n'est pas inconnue en France (not that every French knows about it either).

Il y a régulièrement (well, one every four year) des documentaires à ce sujet. J'en ai vu plusieurs dans les années 60/70.

Dernièrement, say 5 years ago, les Russes ont essayé (en vain) d'extraire d'un marais la carcasse d'un Yakovlev 3 avec le corps d'un pilote français resté à l'intérieur je crois. I remember Poutine was kind of personaly involved in the search.

I don't give the Wiki links you know how to find your way.

One of the French pilot is still alive.

And here is an anniversary meeting in Le Bourget just 6 months ago.

About reliance, yes, I meant reliability.

Flocon a dit…

Speaking of merging music files I guess I merged 2 words I had in mind. Resilience and reliability which came out as reliance...

Flocon a dit…

De Wikileaks sur Sarko vu par les États-Unis j'extrais ce commentaire d'un lecteur:

"l'héritage juif de Sarkozy et son affinité pour Israël sont célèbres", Bernard Kouchner, "le premier ministre des affaires étrangères juif de la Ve République". Est confirmé avec éclat la force du lobby juif, aux USA et en France. Ces phrases sont les plus terribles de toutes. Crues, d'un cynisme effrayant. Ce qui compte pour les USA, c'est le point de vue d'Israël.

Ils ne seront pas déçus par D.S.K.