samedi 15 mars 2008

Damn French!

And you wonder why the French are so often associated with sex in the US?

Now consider where the word bra comes from... Yeah, French "brassière".

There are 300 million people living in the US; say about 150 million women. If 90% of them wear said bras, is it inappropriate to say that Frenchness stick to their skin?

And here's the reason why the French in general infuriate American males: They have to deal with these maddening bras before they can reach their ultimate goal. Not always an easy task...

It's all the French's fault...

(ok, I agree it wasn't worth a post but, hey, this is Saturday so let's have it light for a while...)

4 commentaires:

Ned Ludd a dit…

La belle de Sarko ne s'en sert beaucoup des soutiens-gorges. Au moins si on regarde google images. Et peut-être il y a un message ici.

Flocon a dit…

No promises,

En effet il y a peut-être un message...

Maybe she doesn't wear bra as a symbol of her resistance to the French. According to this interview she doesn't really like them, hence the refusal to wear bra.

Anonyme a dit…

//(ok, I agree it wasn't worth a post but, hey, this is Saturday so let's have it light for a while...)//

It wasn't worth the text of the post. But I would have kept the picture...

Flocon a dit…


Je savais bien que ce billet te ferait sortir du bois tôt ou tard..